Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

Rick Renner

Proof Christians Won’t be Here for the Tribulation
End-Times Joseph Morris End-Times Joseph Morris

Proof Christians Won’t be Here for the Tribulation

God has given every Christian dominion to walk protected on the earth, so don’t allow yourself to think of the Rapture as some escape theology based in fear. You are about to be raptured because you have appointments with God—the Reward Seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You will leave the planet while God deals with the Jews for seven years. You are not supposed to be here for the Tribulation, and as we look at Daniel’s 70th week, I’ll prove it to you.

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End Times and the Will of God
End-Times Bob Yandian End-Times Bob Yandian

End Times and the Will of God

Our highest desire and priority as Christians should be the fulfilling of the great commission. Our love for winning others is also God’s first love. Jesus did not come to first heal the land, although He will one day at His second coming. But He did come to seek and save those who were lost (Luke 19:10). God’s so love gave His only begotten Son for the giving of everlasting life to those who believe in Him. Then healing of the land, individual nations, may or may not take place. God’s plan again:  first believers returning to God through repentance, second the spreading of the gospel, then a change in the nation.

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Action Steps To Being a Person God Will Use in these Last Days
Christian Life, End-Times Rick Renner Christian Life, End-Times Rick Renner

Action Steps To Being a Person God Will Use in these Last Days

If you’ll act on the following seven simple steps and make them a consistent part of your life, they will help you become more spiritually sensitive to recognize those whom God has put in your path to help. Practicing these steps as a way of life will help you get your mind off yourself and become more focused on the needs of others. All of these steps are a vital part of your becoming a vessel of deliverance, healing, and power whom God is well able to use to help struggling people become strong and get on their feet again.

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The Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ
End-Times Bob Yandian End-Times Bob Yandian

The Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ

During the Millennium, the atmosphere of the earth will be perfect. Satan and the demons will be removed and it will begin with believers only. Everything on earth will be perfect because there will be no opposition. The weather will be perfect, business will be perfect, longevity will be restored, children will never be harmed, and the earth will be in peace.

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