God Says: ‘You Belong to Me.’
Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven (Matthew 10:32).
It’s really tough when a best friend moves away to another state.
Often, your whole daily life changes, because you spent so much time hanging out with that person. When we love our friends, we want to be with them at all times. We bring them with us when we go places. If I had a best friend who didn’t want to hang out with me much, I’d start to wonder if we were really best friends. We want our friends and boy- or girlfriends to post us on Instagram and bring us into their circle, because true love is willing to show off. True love isn’t embarrassed to let the world know.
In the same way, God isn’t afraid to show you off. God’s not ashamed to call you His child. The question is: Are you ashamed to show off Jesus to the world? Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32–33). How fake would it be if, after Jesus was publicly shamed and nailed to a cross in front of the world for us, we were afraid to boldly stand up and proclaim His name to our friends and family and city around us? Let’s not be fake Christians. Let’s stop being ashamed of our Lord and Savior. It may seem like staying quiet about God will make you more popular, but the opinions of people are flaky. If you are willing to give up your salvation for the approval of others, then you are basically just living for other people. Instead of living for other people’s approval, we need to live for the opinion of Jesus Christ. We should stay with Him no matter where we go.
Not only will you have God’s approval when you stand up for Him publicly, but you will actually get respect from true people who will listen to those who are passionate about what they believe. So many kids in my high school, who weren’t Christian, later told me they respected me so much because I stood up for what I believe. People who doubt what they say have never changed the world or had an influence with others. No one wants to listen to someone who isn’t sure of anything. Thank God we can be sure that Jesus Christ is Lord. Don’t be afraid to stand up for Jesus. It is the wisest way we can live this life.
Jesus, I am not ashamed to call You my savior. I will not be moved by the opinions of others. I have not been given the spirit of fear. I have the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. I am called. I am anointed. I am God’s chosen. I am forgiven. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am healed. I am whole. I am free. I will stay with Jesus for the rest of my life. Lord, I will bring You everywhere I go
Scripture Reading: Matthew 10
You Belong With Me
Built Different
Gabe Poirot
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37 NKJV).
When you really love someone, you may find yourself wanting that person to belong to you and no one else. In human relationships, that jealous desire for exclusivity can become toxic, because we are not supposed to be God to people. But in our relationship with God, we are called to belong to Him first and foremost. God is actually jealous for us. He doesn’t just want half of our hearts. He wants our everything. In the Bible, Moses told the people of Israel, “For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Exodus 34:14 ESV). Most Christians understand that the Israelites were wrong to worship idols and false gods when they were in the wilderness (and even afterward). But sadly, many of us don’t ask what idolatry could look like in our lives. We can end up worshiping idols that we aren’t even aware of.
An idol is anything that places itself higher than your relationship with God. If you find yourself spending most of your time and attention on your phone or social media, it has become an idol. If you have a certain love interest who you can’t stop thinking about, and that person distracts you from what God has for your life, that person has become an idol. Be quick to identify things or people in your life that have become gods to you. God is jealous to have your whole heart. He wants your undivided attention. He loves with a love that is unlike anything else. His love for you is unconditional. Even in your stubbornness and imperfection, He will always be there.
When you choose to seek Him first and spend time with Him, your joy level will rise, because you were created to serve Him and enjoy His presence. Our lives feel like a puzzle that is finally fitted together when we place Jesus at the center. Be sure to never put God into a box in your life. Instead, let Him fill every area of your life. That way, no matter what you are doing, you will be giving glory to Him and getting closer to Him. There’s no better way to live.
Father, thank You for loving me with unconditional love. You will never leave me or forsake me. You are jealous for my affection. You are always there for me. You have forgiven me. You have washed me in the blood of Jesus. I am Your child. I am a son/daughter of God. I only do those things that please You. Reveal to me any idols in my life. I place You at the center of it all. I will serve You all the days of my life. I choose to return Your love back to You. Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I love You.
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 8
Ain't nobody got time for boring Christianity!
With 1.7 million followers on TikTok, Gabe Poirot has brought the gospel to life with funny, thoughtful, and honestly, pretty random videos that are now making an impact in a 90-day devo.
God didn't create you to be basic. When He shoots, He never misses. He created you to be BUILT DIFFERENT. Unlike that mad, boring geometry class, this life He gave you is meant to be fun. Ain't nobody got time for boring Christianity.
Follow along in this win of a book because you will grow in your walk with God and be entertained at the same time. Filled with scripture and daily declarations, it is thick with God's goodness.
In Built Different, Gabe breaks down topics like…
You can hear God talk [for real]
How to get a miracle
How to beat worry
Love? dating? relationships?
When you feel like quitting
Getting high? [it's free]
God is NOT in control
Take 90 days to meet with God, discover His incredible plan for you, and see how exciting life with Him can be!