"Was That Prophetic Word Legit?" How to Know.
True prophecy almost always confirms what God has already spoken to your own heart.
This is precisely what you find in the case of Saul and Ananias in Acts chapter 9. Over the years, there have been numerous people who have come to me with what they thought were “words from the Lord” that they needed to give me. Often these “words” didn’t fit with a single thing the Holy Spirit had ever spoken to my heart. Of course, I always want to be respectful and open to the fact that God could use someone to say something new to me. But when the word given is far afield from what I know He has already said to me, I’m usually confident that I don’t need to take it seriously. On the other hand, if it affirms something that God’s Spirit has already been speaking to me, I listen very carefully.
When the Lord speaks to my heart, I know His voice (see John 10:27). I have been greatly encouraged in instances when someone has repeated to me something the Holy Spirit had already spoken to my heart. Those moments are powerful. They are confirming words regarding very specific direction Jesus has given me, and they provide the support and encouragement I need to move forward in obedience to His instructions.
If God is going to speak something significant to you about His will for your life, it is likely that He will tell you personally about it first. For instance, He may speak to you during prayer or reveal to you as you study the Bible that a change is coming. Or perhaps you and your spouse are praying together, and suddenly you both begin to sense an upcoming change. Or you may receive that same word of direction while sitting in church and listening to your pastor preach. Later the Lord brings someone to you who says to you, “I sense a change is coming to your life.” That kind of confirming word — affirming what you already know — is powerful.
“A genuine prophetic word regarding God’s will for your life will confirm what He has already told you, and it will empower you to face the future with confidence.”
That’s what happened to Saul — and that’s what happened to Ananias. They both heard from Jesus, and then the steps they each took along the way confirmed that they had indeed heard from Him.
If you need a confirming word concerning the will of God for your life, the Holy Spirit will be faithful to orchestrate it. And the bigger and more “out of the ordinary” your assignment seems to be — the more dramatic the confirmation will likely be. Whatever the case regarding the call God has ordained you to fulfill, He knows exactly what you need to hear. He wants you fully assured that you are on track and running the race He has set before you!